We created this preview music video with people from 43 countries worldwide volunteering to unite against COVID, to inspire during this difficult time…
A portion of the album sales proceeds will be donated to charity. The balance of proceeds will be used to continue RiseUpEight.org’s mission of inspiring people to overcome challenges in life.
OMG! Wow, just wow! You guys continually amaze me with your creativity. What a powerful message. Thank you!
Fab video by X: THC as usual. So inspiring to see you both keepin’ at it after a decade. More power to ya.
Yeah baby! You are sooooo inspiring to me, you posts, your music, your whole vibe. I love it. How long did it take to put this together?
hello from Finland! Wonderful song and video. I love how you got people from the wold over for this. Amazing feat, though I’ve seen it done elsewhere the music really makes this so lovely.