Rags to Riches Story Proves That The American Dream Still Exists
How Founder Of Fit Body Boot Camp Went From Poor And Homeless To Successful Businessman. Growing up in USSR-ruled Armenia during the 1970s, Bedros Keulilan lived a lifestyle centered on the farfetched ideal of the American Dream. His father, who lived a relatively comfortable life in the Communist Party, saved his money with the ...

Fall Down Seven Times Rise Up Eight, The Album
What a long road this has been! After many years of setbacks and challenges overcome, we are happy to announce the release of X: THC's long-awaited follow up music album "Fall Down Seven Times Rise Up Eight". It's been named so to promote this website and to help inspire people to overcome adversity. Every song ...

From Impossible Coma Recovery To Paralympic Silver Medalist And Professional Cyclist – Ryan Boyle’s Story Of Achieving A Dream
Ryan Boyle was a nine-year-old boy given zero chance of recovery after an accident left him in a coma, with a serious brain injury. At such a young age, Ryan was faced with a choice - a choice that all of us face in our lives, and that choice led him to eventually achieve ...

Gary Numan On Overcoming Adversity In The Music Industry
How Gary Numan Keeps Rising Up After Setbacks, And How We Can Too... By Michael Nova Gary Anthony James Webb, more commonly known as Gary Numan, is somewhat of a legend in the Electronic music industry, having influenced such artists as Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails, Kanye West, Prince, Foo Fighters and many ...

Growing up hungry in America: How this woman’s childhood hunger inspired her to find her life’s passion
By Dana Hall Hunger in America is widespread, despite common belief Growing up, Megan Bradley was one of the millions of children in the United States experiencing hunger. Raised in a loving family, it wasn’t until Megan was around nine or ten that she noticed she was different from her peers at school. Unlike ...

Achieving Success and Spiritual Growth; Giving Up Fame And Fortune To Help Others
Henare O’Brien is an internationally known self-development coach, who, along with his wife Kate, are known as “New Zealand’s Leading Transformational Success Couple and leaders in the field of transformational change.” Henare has been trained and coached by Neil Donald Walsh (Author of ‘Conversations With God’), and Jack Canfield (America’s #1 Success Coach), and is ...